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jazyk ČZ a.s. Praha (Strakonice)
autodíly,turbodmychadla,manipulační technika,desta,slévarna,litina,hliník,strojírna,vysokozdvižné vozíky,řetězy,nástrojárna,nástroje,formy,obráběcí stroje,gastro,kalírna
Environmental Management System (EMS)

Systematic attention is paid to environmental protection in the ČZ a.s. group. Individual environmental areas are managed in accordance with the requirements of applicable legislation. Evidence of the company's continuing interest in improving and developing environmental protection is the introduction of the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System. The first successful Environmental Management System certification was carried out in 2004 according to ISO 14001:1996. In 2018, the system was recertified according to the revised standard ISO 14001:2015.

The main principles of the environmental management system are primarily the fulfilment of binding obligations and continuous improvement in all environmental areas, which is achieved through the fulfilment of set environmental objectives.

A framework for determination of environmental objectives and setting a level of environmental responsibility and performance is provided by an environmental policy, the guiding principles of which are:

  • ensuring continuous environmental improvement by reviewing the introduced EMS
  • achieving consistency of all environmental activities with applicable legislation, requirements of standards and requirements and expectations of concerned parties
  • minimizing environmental risks by introducing environmentally friendly technologies, both in the case of substitution for technologies that do not meet basic environmental requirements and in the case of introduction of new technologies
  • preventing environmental risks related to the nature of production
  • taking into account environmental criteria when setting and solving development tasks
  • creating and maintaining resources to meet the EMS objectives
  • educating and motivating all employees to an environmentally responsible way of performing all their activities
  • strengthening mutual awareness between the company management, employees, customers, the public and other parties concerned


cs en de ru 

autodíly turbodmychadla manipulační technika desta slévarna litina hliník strojírna vysokozdvižné vozíky řetězy nástrojárna nástroje formy obráběcí stroje gastro kalírna rehabilitace autodíly turbodmychadla manipulační technika desta slévarna litina hliník strojírna vysokozdvižné vozíky řetězy nástrojárna nástroje formy obráběcí stroje gastro kalírna rehabilitace