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jazyk ČZ a.s. Praha (Strakonice)
autodíly,turbodmychadla,manipulační technika,desta,slévarna,litina,hliník,strojírna,vysokozdvižné vozíky,řetězy,nástrojárna,nástroje,formy,obráběcí stroje,gastro,kalírna
Calibration service centre

In connection with the certifications and legislative provision of metrology, ČZ a.s. has an accredited calibration laboratory for the following measurement branches: length, plane angle, time, moment of force and pressure.

Environmental parameters in the labs are monitored using AC units. The laboratory offers metrological services to internal and external customers.

The 3D measurement laboratory is equipped with a CARAT coordinated measuring system used not only for the calibration of special gauges but also for spatial measurement of products enabled thanks to HOLOS software.

The calibration of a gauge block is done using a TESA UPC device. Each gauge block must undergo a preparation process, on which great emphasis is placed. The calibration process uses the comparison method. The final measurement record is a source for the calibration sheet.

Another calibration device is a ULM 600 ZEISS length meter. The software of this device enables calibration of various working gauges used for checking geometrical values. Its axial uncertainty oscillates below 0.4 µm.

An MMQ 40 station for measurement of shape and dimension deviations is used not only for calibration of metrological parameters of some working gauges but also of some production parts, e.g. synchronous rings. The laboratory provides calibration of limit and indicating torque wrenches up to 1350 Nm. This is done using TWA 100 and TWA 1000 evaluation units. The evaluation result is a record including metering uncertainty while calibrating the torque wrench. The technical level of the laboratory meets demanding criteria usual in EU member countries.


Ing. Roman Chaloupka

phone: 383 34 2407, 383 34 2127
fax: 383 34 3048
e-mail: roman.chaloupka@czas.cz
Our offer:

  • calibration laboratory for the following measurement branches: length, plane angle, time, moment of force and pressure
  • spatial measurement
  • technical and operation consultancy services in metrology
  • processing of metrological rules of an organization

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autodíly turbodmychadla manipulační technika desta slévarna litina hliník strojírna vysokozdvižné vozíky řetězy nástrojárna nástroje formy obráběcí stroje gastro kalírna rehabilitace autodíly turbodmychadla manipulační technika desta slévarna litina hliník strojírna vysokozdvižné vozíky řetězy nástrojárna nástroje formy obráběcí stroje gastro kalírna rehabilitace