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jazyk ČZ a.s. Praha (Strakonice)
autodíly,turbodmychadla,manipulační technika,desta,slévarna,litina,hliník,strojírna,vysokozdvižné vozíky,řetězy,nástrojárna,nástroje,formy,obráběcí stroje,gastro,kalírna

Maximum and minimum dimensions and cast weights:

The foundry produces large series of castings on its semi-automatic foundry line. The dimensions of castings including the ingate and riser system (entire mould) are given by maximum inserting dimensions of the mould (400x300x150 mm). Recommended maximum weight is 10 kg.

Area of application of castings:

The main products of the foundry production programme are ribbed cylinder barrels for combustion engines and compressors, cylinder liners, castings of turbine and bearing housings for turbo-chargers, differential cases, etc.

Production of patterns:

The design and production of whole-metal pattern equipment and core boxes is provided by the Iron foundry division in co-operation with the Tool shop division of ČZ a.s. or in co-operation with external suppliers.

Special services, quality management system:

Upon agreement with the customer, machining of castings can be provided in co-operation with other divisions of ČZ a.s. or with external contractors. We carry out annealing of cast iron casts. Upon customer request, certificates are issued for the castings (general certificates or for individual supplies). Modern sand, chemical and metallographical laboratory equipment is used for the inspection and evaluation of input raw materials, production processes and castings. The laboratories have available e.g. DV4 spectrometer from BAIRD, carbon and sulphur fast-analyser from LECO, metallographic microscopes, hardness-testers etc.

The foundry has implemented and certified a quality management system according to ISO 9001:2000 and VDA 6.1.

cs en de ru 

autodíly turbodmychadla manipulační technika desta slévarna litina hliník strojírna vysokozdvižné vozíky řetězy nástrojárna nástroje formy obráběcí stroje gastro kalírna rehabilitace autodíly turbodmychadla manipulační technika desta slévarna litina hliník strojírna vysokozdvižné vozíky řetězy nástrojárna nástroje formy obráběcí stroje gastro kalírna rehabilitace